I bought a bamboo toothbrush in September when I was home in Australia and I’ve been telling everyone I’m going to start a blog and write about my toothbrush! Finally here I am and the first thing you are going to have to hear about is my toothbrush because I am a woman of my word…
So this is what she looks like and I have named her Bambi! I LOVE her and the reason that my first jenbarronLIVING blog is about her is because she is completely recyclable! After I have spent the regular amount of time brushing my teeth with her (what is that supposed to be…three months?) I just put her in the compost and she returns to the earth. I think this is a much better idea than being plastic, going into landfill and taking ? years to break down.
So, next time you are trying to decide what colour plastic toothbrush to buy DON’T! Your local health food store will carry this little beauty or if you’re in India just go back to neem – seems some of the old ways were the best!