Leadership versus Control
Bring someone to mind who you believe to be a ‘good leader’. What are the characteristics of this person that you admire? What is it that you see and feel that you respond too?
For me it’s kindness, compassion and understanding. I also appreciate decisiveness and strength (held in balance with kindness of course). More than these things for me it’s about the person being true to themselves and living a life that is ‘joined up’. What I mean by this is that in all moments they live from their truth and they also lead from this space.
This doesn’t mean that the person doesn’t ever make a mistake but in leaders I admire if they make a mistake they take responsibility for it, apologise and move on – hopefully bringing others with them.
Now, bring someone to mind who you don’t admire so much as a leader. What are the characteristics in this person that you don’t admire so much? What is it that you see and feel that you respond too?
For me there are a few things but I think it boils down to ‘control’. If the person is controlling and doesn’t allow me the freedom to take initiative, make mistakes and grow my own leadership under theirs then I don’t respond well.
Now the challenge is to reflect on myself as a leader. If these are the things that I admire and this is the thing that I don’t, then these things are also recognisable in me.
I’m working towards living my truth in my own life and in the way that I lead. However, sometimes the line between control and leadership seems thin. I’m going to expand the line and transform it into a different shape so that the distinction is clearer. How about this…