It has been one of those weeks where everybody feels like they have feedback to share with you. The feedback has been extreme – some people wanting to let me know how much they appreciate me, my way of work and my approach to life and some people wanting to let me know the exact opposite. As I said, it’s been tough!
At times like this I have a tendency to become introspective which of course is not a bad thing and these days I go to the YOGA space to process. By moving our bodies we have an opportunity to access other parts of ourselves that may need self love and/or transformation.
I found myself again digging into YOGA philosophy and looking at the Yamas (self-regulating behaviors involving our interactions with other people and the world at large) and Niyamas (personal practices that relate to our inner world) which give guidance about how to make our way in the world.
Santosha (contentment) was what stood out to me.
Regardless of what other people say how do I feel? Am I content with myself? If yes then hear what people have to say, sit with it and then move on. If not, then do something about it, determine what is needed and enter into a process of transformation.
At the end of the day what is said (either positive or negative) is just an opinion! What is your opinion of you? That’s what really matters!