Perspective Part 2 – aka the power of the mind!
It’s time for a second post about this very important topic on perspective as when I posted about it before I had no idea what my fear was about. Well, now I do! Here’s a small recap…
Here’s the asana that was causing all the issues…
Adho Mukha Vrksasana: Handstand Pose
I was petrified to do this because I felt my arms would collapse. It wasn’t the fear of being upside down but rather the fear that my arms were not strong enough to support me. However, physically my arms are strong so this fear had to be in my head but what was it?
Turns out I just needed someone to ask the right question. ‘Was there a time in your life when your arms didn’t support you?’ The answer to this question is of course ‘yes’! When I was 5 I broke both of my arms – not at the same time but one after the other in the same year – this is what I remember anyway. My mind thinks my arms will let me down again.
What to do about this? I need to trick my mind into believing my arms are strong enough. I can do this by giving my arms a good work out and by the way I speak to myself about the power in my arms and ‘bingo’ handstand! I even did a few on the beach last night – not perfect but just for fun!
So, next time you think you ‘can’t’ maybe there’s something underlying this that it would help to connect too?
Turns out the mind is a very powerful force that can work for me or against me but seems that is my choice!