When was the last time you looked at the world from a different perspective? I have been doing a bit of this lately…sometimes successfully and sometimes giving it a good hard crack! Here’s the pose…
Sirsasana: Headstand
With the heart positioned above the head things look and feel different. It’s not just that, Sirsasana (Headstand) and it’s close friend Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) also have the potential to challenge us around our fears.
I remember as a child doing headstands, handstands and cartwheels with pure joy. Even now I will often do a handstand in water (both in the pool and the sea) just for the ‘fun of it’!
This week in class I didn’t do these things for ‘joy’ or the ‘fun of it’ but rather with the fear of falling very close to the surface (and sometimes spilling out). A little bit of fear is healthy as I don’t want to injure myself but at the same time it’s not good if it stops me from doing things that are possible – and I’m not just talking about what happens on the yoga mat now.
Time for a new perspective! Take this banana, it didn’t take much to change its perspective.
Next time you see me I may well be upside down doing my best to change mine!