After 7 years of India being my primary place of residence it was time to make the 180 degree shift to Bridport, Tasmania being home. Why 180 degrees? Here’s a few things that spring to mind – ocean, blue sky and open space. There’s no judgement in noting these things – they are just different in both places but I am still the same.
The essence of who we are is always with us no matter where we call home – there is no escaping the self. As I walked around the block amongst the traffic in India and did Yoga in a beautiful shala and in Bridport I walked beside the sea shore and did Yoga on my deck my heart still ponders the same questions about life, the universe and everything. I still have the same self doubts and sadness, the same joy and bliss.
However, the more I walk the path of loving transformation around the block or along the sea shore the more aware I feel. As I move towards radical acceptance of all aspects of myself (that leads to an open and honest reflection to the world of who I really am then), the moments of self doubt and sadness seem to dissolve quicker and the moments of joy and bliss remain a little longer.
I will miss this summer but will remember its lessons well. I AM WHO I AM AND THAT IS THAT!