Did you read my blog on the 20th November about acceptance and transformation? My opinion has been lovingly transformed!
Seems it’s not just acceptance that is the way to go but RADICAL ACCEPTANCE!…of all the parts of us. The bits we feel need ‘fixing’ as well as the bits that we think are already ‘fixed’. The bits that we believe are lovable and the bits we believe are unlovable. Especially the parts of ourselves that we hide from others and sometimes even hide from ourselves (you could also label this shame). Time to accept it all!
This acceptance is birthed from a place of self compassion. Many of us are experts at being compassionate to others but treat ourselves with contempt. What would it be like to fall in love with YOU and wrap yourself in an embrace with one wing of RADICAL ACCEPTANCE and one wing of SELF COMPASSION?
Why not give yourself this gift at Christmas time and just see what happens? The result may be ‘loving transformation’ but if it isn’t then accept that as well. It’s time to live in the moment because as my teacher so wisely told me ‘you will be dead soon’!